Source code for eit.eitparser

# encoding: utf-8
# EitSupport
# Copyright (C) 2011 betonme
# Copyright (C) 2016 Wolfgang Fahl
# This EITParser is based on:
# In case of reuse of this source code please do not remove this copyright.
#   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#   (at your option) any later version.
#   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#   GNU General Public License for more details.
#   For more information on the GNU General Public License see:
#   <>.
import pathlib
import os
import re
import struct
import sys
import time
import chardet

from datetime import datetime

#from Components.config import config
#from Components.Language import language
#from EMCTasker import emcDebugOut
#from IsoFileSupport import IsoSupport

#from MetaSupport import getInfoFile

[docs]def parseMJD(MJD): # Parse 16 bit unsigned int containing Modified Julian Date, # as per DVB-SI spec # returning year,month,day YY = int( (MJD - 15078.2) / 365.25 ) MM = int( (MJD - 14956.1 - int(YY*365.25) ) / 30.6001 ) D = MJD - 14956 - int(YY*365.25) - int(MM * 30.6001) K=0 if MM == 14 or MM == 15: K=1 return (1900 + YY+K), (MM-1-K*12), D
[docs]def unBCD(byte): return (byte>>4)*10 + (byte & 0xf)
#from Tools.ISO639 import LanguageCodes # -*- coding: iso-8859-2 -*- LanguageCodes = { } LanguageCodes["deu"] = LanguageCodes["ger"] = LanguageCodes["de"] = ("German", "Germanic") LanguageCodes["fra"] = LanguageCodes["fre"] = LanguageCodes["fr"] = ("French", "Romance")
[docs]def language_iso639_2to3(alpha2): ret = alpha2 if alpha2 in LanguageCodes: language = LanguageCodes[alpha2] for alpha, name in LanguageCodes.items(): if name == language: if len(alpha) == 3: return alpha return ret
[docs]def bord(b): ''' binary ord - just for code compatibility ''' return b
[docs]class Bytes(object): def __init__(self): self.bytes=bytearray()
[docs] def append(self,b): self.bytes.append(b)
[docs] def toString(self): text=bytes(self.bytes).decode() return text
[docs] @staticmethod def join(blist): ''' join the list of bytes ''' br=Bytes() for b in blist: br.bytes.extend(b.bytes) return br
[docs] def strip(self): ''' strip me ''' # self.bytes=self.bytes.strip() return self
[docs]class Event(object): def __init__(self,eitList,name): self.eitList=eitList self.description=Bytes() self.descriptor = [] self.descriptor_multi = [] self.codepage = None
[docs] def log(self,msg): self.eitList.log(msg)
[docs] @staticmethod def readLanguageCode(data,ofs): ''' read the language code from the given offset in the data ''' languageCode=Bytes() for i in range (ofs,ofs+3): languageCode.append(data[i]) languageCode = languageCode.toString().upper()
[docs] def readDescription(self,data,ofsStart,ofsEnd=None): ''' read my description from the given offset ''' if ofsEnd is None: self.event_name_length = bord(data[ofsStart]) ofsStart=ofsStart+1 ofsEnd=ofsStart+1+self.event_name_length for i in range (ofsStart,ofsEnd): try: if str(bord(data[i]))=="10" or int(str(bord(data[i])))>31: self.description.append(data[i]) except IndexError as e: self.log("[META] Exception in readEitFile: " + str(e))
[docs] def appendDescription(self,lang, ISO_639_language_code,prev1_ISO_639_language_code,delim="\n\n"): if ISO_639_language_code == lang: self.descriptor.append(self.description) if (ISO_639_language_code == prev1_ISO_639_language_code) or (prev1_ISO_639_language_code == "x"): self.descriptor_multi.append(self.description) else: self.descriptor_multi.append(delim+ self.description)
[docs] def joinDescriptor(self): if self.descriptor: self.descriptor = Bytes.join(self.descriptor) else: self.descriptor = Bytes.join(self.descriptor_multi).strip()
[docs] def fixEncoding(self): if self.descriptor: try: # get back the raw bytes self.descriptor=bytes(self.descriptor.bytes) if self.codepage: if self.codepage != 'utf-8': self.descriptor = self.descriptor.decode(self.codepage) else: self.descriptor=self.descriptor.decode('utf-8') else: encdata = chardet.detect(self.descriptor) enc = encdata['encoding'].lower() confidence = str(encdata['confidence']) self.log("[META] Detected %s event encoding-type: %s ( %s )" % (,enc,confidence)) if enc == "utf-8": self.descriptor.decode(enc) else: self.descriptor = self.descriptor.decode(enc) except (UnicodeDecodeError, AttributeError) as e: self.log("[META] Exception in readEitFile: " + str(e)) return self.descriptor
[docs] def readCodepage(self,data,ofs): if self.codepage: return try: byte1 = str(bord(data[ofs])) except: byte1 = '' if byte1=="1": self.codepage = 'iso-8859-5' elif byte1=="2": self.codepage = 'iso-8859-6' elif byte1=="3": self.codepage = 'iso-8859-7' elif byte1=="4": self.codepage = 'iso-8859-8' elif byte1=="5": self.codepage = 'iso-8859-9' elif byte1=="6": self.codepage = 'iso-8859-10' elif byte1=="7": self.codepage = 'iso-8859-11' elif byte1=="9": self.codepage = 'iso-8859-13' elif byte1=="10": self.codepage = 'iso-8859-14' elif byte1=="11": self.codepage = 'iso-8859-15' elif byte1=="21": self.codepage = 'utf-8' if self.codepage: self.log("[META] Found %s encoding-type: %s" % (,self.codepage))
# Eit File support class # Description #
[docs]class EitList(): EIT_SHORT_EVENT_DESCRIPTOR = 0x4d EIT_EXTENDED_EVENT_DESCRIPOR = 0x4e def __init__(self, path=None,debug=False): self.eit_file = None self.eit_mtime = 0 self.debug=debug #TODO # The dictionary implementation could be very slow self.eit = {} self.iso = None self.__newPath(path) self.__readEitFile()
[docs] def log(self,msg): if self.debug: print(msg,file=sys.stderr)
[docs] @staticmethod def readeit(eitroot,debug=False): if os.path.isdir(eitroot): for p in pathlib.Path(eitroot).iterdir(): if p.is_file(): if".eit"): EitList.readeitFile(p,debug) elif os.path.isfile(eitroot): EitList.readeitFile(eitroot,debug)
[docs] @staticmethod def readeitFile(eitfile,debug=False): eitlist=EitList(eitfile,debug=debug) print(eitlist.getEitName()); print(eitlist.getEitStartDate()); print(eitlist.getEitDescription());
def __newPath(self, path): name = None if path: #TODO Too slow #if path.endswith(".iso"): # if not self.iso: # self.iso = IsoSupport(path) # name = self.iso and self.iso.getIsoName() # if name and len(name): # path = "/home/root/dvd-" + name #el exts = [".eit"] #fpath = getInfoFile(path, exts)[1] #path = os.path.splitext(fpath)[0] #if not os.path.exists(path + ".eit"): # # Strip existing cut number # if path[-4:-3] == "_" and path[-3:].isdigit(): # path = path[:-4] #path += ".eit" if self.eit_file != path: self.eit_file = path self.eit_mtime = 0 def __mk_int(self, s): return int(s) if s else 0 def __toDate(self, d, t): if d and t: #TODO Is there another fast and safe way to get the datetime try: return datetime(int(d[0]), int(d[1]), int(d[2]), int(t[0]), int(t[1])) except ValueError: return None else: return None ############################################################################## ## Get Functions
[docs] def getEitsid(self): return self.eit.get('service', "") #TODO
[docs] def getEitTsId(self): return self.eit.get('transportstream', "") #TODO
[docs] def getEitWhen(self): return self.eit.get('when', "")
[docs] def getEitStartDate(self): return self.eit.get('startdate', "")
[docs] def getEitStartTime(self): return self.eit.get('starttime', "")
[docs] def getEitDuration(self): return self.eit.get('duration', "")
[docs] def getEitName(self): return self.eit.get('name', "").strip()
[docs] def getEitDescription(self): return self.eit.get('description', "").strip()
[docs] def getEitShortDescription(self): return self.eit.get('short_description', "").strip()
[docs] def getEitExtendedDescription(self): return self.getEitDescription()
[docs] def getEitLengthInSeconds(self): length = self.eit.get('duration', "") #TODO Is there another fast and safe way to get the length if len(length)>2: return self.__mk_int((length[0]*60 + length[1])*60 + length[2]) elif len(length)>1: return self.__mk_int(length[0]*60 + length[1]) else: return self.__mk_int(length)
[docs] def getEitDate(self): return self.__toDate(self.getEitStartDate(), self.getEitStartTime())
############################################################################## ## File IO Functions def __readEitFile(self,lang='de'): data = "" path = self.eit_file lang = (language_iso639_2to3(lang)).upper() if path and os.path.exists(path): mtime = os.path.getmtime(path) if self.eit_mtime == mtime: # File has not changed pass else: #print "EMC TEST count Eit " + str(path) # New path or file has changed self.eit_mtime = mtime # Read data from file # OE1.6 with Pyton 2.6 #with open(self.eit_file, 'r') as file: lines = file.readlines() f = None try: f = open(path, 'rb') #lines = f.readlines() data = except Exception as e: self.log("[META] Exception in readEitFile: " + str(e)) finally: if f is not None: f.close() # Parse the data if data and 12 <= len(data): # go through events pos = 0 e = struct.unpack(">HHBBBBBBH", data[pos:pos+12]) event_id = e[0] date = parseMJD(e[1]) # Y, M, D time = unBCD(e[2]), unBCD(e[3]), unBCD(e[4]) # HH, MM, SS duration = unBCD(e[5]), unBCD(e[6]), unBCD(e[7]) # HH, MM, SS running_status = (e[8] & 0xe000) >> 13 free_CA_mode = e[8] & 0x1000 descriptors_len = e[8] & 0x0fff if running_status in [1,2]: self.eit['when'] = "NEXT" elif running_status in [3,4]: self.eit['when'] = "NOW" self.eit['startdate'] = date self.eit['starttime'] = time self.eit['duration'] = duration pos = pos + 12 name_event=Event(self,"name") short_event=Event(self,"short") extended_event=Event(self,"extended") component_descriptor = [] content_descriptor = [] linkage_descriptor = [] parental_rating_descriptor = [] endpos = len(data) - 1 prev1_ISO_639_language_code = "x" prev2_ISO_639_language_code = "x" while pos < endpos: rec = bord(data[pos]) if pos+1>=endpos: break length = bord(data[pos+1]) + 2 #if pos+length>=endpos: # break if rec == 0x4D: descriptor_tag = bord(data[pos+1]) descriptor_length = bord(data[pos+2]) ISO_639_language_code = str(data[pos+2:pos+5]).upper() name_event.readDescription(data,pos+5) name_event.readCodepage(data,pos+6) short_event.readCodepage(data, pos+7+name_event.event_name_length) short_event.readDescription(data, pos+7+name_event.event_name_length,pos+length) short_event.appendDescription(lang, ISO_639_language_code,prev1_ISO_639_language_code) name_event.appendDescription(lang, ISO_639_language_code,prev1_ISO_639_language_code," ") prev1_ISO_639_language_code = ISO_639_language_code elif rec == 0x4E: ISO_639_language_code = Event.readLanguageCode(data,pos+3) extended_event.readCodepage(data, pos+8) extended_event.readDescription(data, pos+8,pos+length) extended_event.appendDescription(lang, ISO_639_language_code, prev2_ISO_639_language_code) prev2_ISO_639_language_code = ISO_639_language_code elif rec == 0x50: component_descriptor.append(data[pos+8:pos+length]) elif rec == 0x54: content_descriptor.append(data[pos+8:pos+length]) elif rec == 0x4A: linkage_descriptor.append(data[pos+8:pos+length]) elif rec == 0x55: parental_rating_descriptor.append(data[pos+2:pos+length]) else: # print "unsupported descriptor: %x %x" %(rec, pos + 12) # print data[pos:pos+length] pass pos += length name_event.joinDescriptor() short_event.joinDescriptor() extended_event.joinDescriptor() if not(extended_event.descriptor): extended_event.descriptor = short_event.descriptor extended_event.codepage = short_event.codepage self.eit['name'] = name_event.fixEncoding() self.eit['short_description'] = short_event.fixEncoding() # This will fix EIT data of RTL group with missing line breaks in extended event description description=extended_event.fixEncoding() if description: description = re.sub('((?:Moderat(?:ion:|or(?:in){0,1})|Vorsitz: |Jur(?:isten|y): |G(?:\xC3\xA4|a)st(?:e){0,1}: |Mit (?:Staatsanwalt|Richter(?:in){0,1}|den Schadenregulierern) |Julia Leisch).*?[a-z]+)(\'{0,1}[0-9A-Z\'])', r'\1\n\n\2', description) self.eit['description'] = description else: # No date clear all self.eit = {} else: # No path or no file clear all self.eit = {}
"""Module docstring. Read Eit File and show the information. """ import getopt
[docs]def main(): # parse command line options try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "h", ["help"]) except getopt.error as msg: print(msg) print("for help use --help") sys.exit(2) # process options for o, a in opts: if o in ("-h", "--help"): print(__doc__) sys.exit(0) # process arguments for arg in args: EitList.readeit(arg) # process() is defined elsewhere
if __name__ == "__main__": main()